OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

To place an AHU

To place an AHU, it must be available in the AHU Library.

An AHU can be placed via two interfaces:
  • AHU Placement dialog — Selecting an AHU in the AHU List.

    The Place Component command for the AHU is activated.

  • AHU Builder dialog — Selecting an AHU in the AHU Explorer and using the Place AHU tool () on the toolbar.

    The Place AHU command eventually invokes the AHU Placement dialog where the current AHU is focused in the list.

  1. Select (AHU).

    The AHU Placement dialog appears.

  2. Click the (Load Library) tool on the toolbar.

    Opens Load AHU Library dialog.

  3. Select Destination and required library File name and click OK.

    The selected library gets loaded in the AHU List.

  4. Expand the library by clicking on the [+] mark on the .xml node.

    The AHU list expands listing AHUs available in the library.

    The preview window displays the geometry of the AHU selected in the list in the orientation currently set in the display view.

  5. Highlight the AHU to be placed. When placing from AHU Builder, click tool icon.

    Shifts the control to the AHU Placement dialog. The last placed AHU will be the current and highlighted in the AHU List in the AHU Placement dialog. Move the cursor in the design view and select data points to place the AHU in the drawing.

  6. While in AHU Placement dialog, simply select the AHU in the List. The Place Component command is invoked and the place settings dialog assists further settings like placement justification etc, before placing the AHU. Such AHUs will have the properties as defined in the AHU builder.
    Note: Before placing, you can review properties of the AHU in the Placement dialog and set editable properties, as required.